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A Resilient, Privacy-preserving, and Censorship-resistant blockchain for Network States

Nomos addresses the need of a consensus layer specifically designed with the requirements of Network States in mind.

Core values



A resilient network protects its most valuable nodes by making the nodes with high concentration of stake indistinguishable from the rest - cleverly concealing their outsized contribution among the set of all nodes.


Censorship resistant

Nomos provides the foundation for protocols that adhere to the principles of plausible deniability, allowing nodes to contribute to the system without making political or preferential choices - by making transactions invisible.



Infrastructure for digital communities must provide the right environment for new ideas to flourish. Sovereignty, at its core, is the ability for communities to define their own rules.



While Nomos prioritizes sovereignty, it also values heavily the interconnection of communities. Careful balancing of these two forces is essential for the success of every single collective.

Logos Collective

Nomos is the blockchain layer of the Logos technology stack. Logos is a grassroots movement, building the infrastructure for trust-minimised, corruption-resistant governing services and social institutions for peaceful people worldwide.

Learn more about our ambitious vision.

Development Roadmap

2024 Q1 & Q2

Full specification of the base layer

2024 Q3

Testnet base layer implementation

2024 Q4

Full specification of the coordination layer

2025 Q1 & Q2

Testnet coordination layer implementation

2025 Q3

Mainnet base plus coordination layer launch

2025 Q4

Specification and implementation of execution zones

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